I told you how Michael was getting lots of lovely notes and letters from Rex Parker Does the New York Times Crossword Puzzle readers, right? Well, one of them contained this fabulous photo:
It was taken one block north of us and the boy in the picture now has grown children and does the crossword puzzle and lives a long way from here. He remembers walking to school and shoveling sidewalks for a dollar. His dad bought their house, which is behind the photographer, when our neighborhood was brand new, right after the war, (actually, right afer he "returned from the Pacific").
So, what else was there to do but head up and take this photo:
I could probably have framed it a bit better, but we were off to the diner, it was cold, and I didn't want to get too much onto someone else's property. Actually, I could probably have also found Michael some cowboy boots and a hat, but I'm not sure he would have worn them.
I grew up on the West side of Binghamton and it looks a lot like that neighborhood. Been doing the NYT crossword for years and reading Rex's comments but never dreamed he lived in my old home town! I'll be scouring the streets when I come back to visit my folks to find out where that house is. Sandy, are you any relation to an Ellen Davenport?
Posted by: Shirley S. | 03/03/2014 at 10:37 PM
I love seeing this side of "Rex." I do the NYT crossword M-T, often checking in on his blog to see if he's mad about something. My husband does F usually quite seamlessly.
You guys are super cute (not the persona Rex is going for, I know!).
Posted by: Leila | 01/25/2014 at 09:18 AM
Meliors, I wondered the same thing. I can't tell how old the trees are in relationship to the houses, but I suspect they're older, so perhaps they were a farm property line. I don't see poplars around here, so I'm wondering if they don't do well in this climate.
Posted by: Penelope Harper | 01/25/2014 at 05:58 AM
Where did that row of poplars go?
Posted by: Meliors | 01/22/2014 at 11:33 AM
Love it! Very cool.
Posted by: Nancy | 01/21/2014 at 11:16 PM